Local Meat o No Meat

Local Meat or No Meat?

You might have tried to go vegetarian, or vegan but it’s hard. You love meat too much!

You try to get through one meal not eating meat but you still feel hungry. Your body is too used to processing meat, and the transition is sometimes tough. You purposefully avoid watching food and animal farming documentaries because you know you will hate what you see and guilt will set in at every meal.

As a vegan fashion company owner, I’m obviously a big fan of the vegan lifestyle. I do not believe that the vegan diet is for everyone, but I am a true believer that a diet that includes less meat and more plant-based foods is the way to go. When I started to wane down on my meat intake, I found it challenging. Here are some tips that could help you…

Local Meat!

If you really must eat meat, buy local meat, organic meat, or ethically raised meat. This way, you can be sure what you eat lived a healthy, decent life, and isn’t full of harmful chemicals and toxins. Try to eat local meats which are not as common, like lamb, ox, or bison. These meats are more likely to have been raised outside of the factory farming establishment.

If you normally eat a huge chunk of meat with a small amount of veggies, try reversing the portions, so you have more veggies and less meat. This way, you can reduce the amount of meat you eat while still being able to enjoy a full, robust meal.

If you eat meat at every meal, try cutting it down slowly to two meals a day, or even one meal a day. Or, try taking one day out of the week where you don’t eat any meat at all ie. Meatless Mondays.

Try using local meat to add flavour to your other foods, rather than having it dominate the entire meal. And if you do start reducing your meat intake, make sure you’re still getting enough protein!

Remember that you eat the way you do out of habit. You’d be surprised to know that there are a lot of meatless dishes out there that taste AMAZING! If the average meat-eater cut down his/her meat consumption by half and ate more local meat, we could make a lot of wonderful changes in this world! We all have different body types, genetics, different types of blood running through our veins. What is the right diet for one person it not necessarily right for another. And if the average person switched to a vegan diet…. MIRACLES BABY, MIRACLES!

If you have a story you’d like to share with use about your experience in becoming a vegetarian or vegan, I’d love to hear from you.